Controversial Ad Campaign Suggests Everyone ‘Deserves to Die’?
A controversial new advertising campaign is exploding in major cities all across America with the message that everyone from crazy old aunts to people with tattoos to the genetically privileged “deserve to die.”
Everyone appears to be a target, and although these posters have begun to saturate high public traffic areas in a city near you, they do not give any indication what the campaign is for. However, a little research quickly leads to a website called – immediately revealing the “killer.”
It is a marketing campaign for the Lung Cancer Alliance, and on the site, underneath those same images plastered all over your cities telephone booths and bus stations it reads:
If they have lung cancer. Many people believe that if you have lung cancer you did something to deserve it. It sounds absurd, but it’s true. Lung cancer doesn’t discriminate and neither should you. Help put an end to the stigma and the disease.
While this mostly enigmatic marketing stunt is proving to be effective in its attempt to educate people on this deadly disease that kills 160,340 people each year, media outlets in places like Seattle and Chicago report that some of the posters have been torn down by confused and offended citizens.
Regardless of the public’s reaction this provocative campaign appears to be accomplishing exactly what it was put in place to do – get a reaction.