A Look Inside Garbage Collection in Bossier City
Bossier City residents pay $24 dollars a month for garbage collection. A private company, Live Oak handles trash pickup in Bossier. Under the terms of the five year contract, the city pays Live Oak $15.95 per household.
Bossier CAO Pam Glorioso tells KEEL News:
The City currently has 18,478 residential customers, which are charged $24 monthly for curbside pickup or $28 for side yard. Within these monthly fees we are collecting $8.00 that goes into the Public Services and Sanitation Fund (An Enterprise Fund). The excess money is used for public services, such as street sweeping and other waste collection that may be needed. This fund was established to accrue funds to pay for the collection services for the citizens and to avoid a cost increase to the citizen as long as possible. Currently, funds that are received from the customer pay for the services that are provided by Live Oak. In future years, as the contract prices is adjusted by CPI, the funds that are in the Enterprise fund will be used to pay the cost.
The $8 a month extra generates about 1.7 million a year for that enterprise fund. KEEL News has talked to Roy Walters the owner of Live Oak who tells us part of the problem in Shreveport is the high cost of dumping at the Woolworth Road Landfill. He says the cost to dispose of the garbage there is 40% higher than what is charged at the DeSoto Parish Landfill.
Walters tells us his company could pick up garbage in Shreveport for $15 to $20 dollars a month per household. But he says residents would have to abide by some rules and not dump piles of trash at the curb.