Top 10 Superstars in Pro Wrestling History
A few weeks ago, I put together a list of the 10 best tag teams of all time. Of course, there was a huge debate on who was placed where, who was left off and the whole thing. So, I figured to keep the conversation going, I'd put together a list of the Top 10 solo stars of all time.
There have been some truly amazing and polarizing figures in professional wrestling.. From Brett Hart to Dusty Rhodes to Roddy Piper. But are they good enough to make the top 10? I don't think so.
So just like last time, we'll be using the criteria. To make the list, I looked at in-ring accomplishments, money draw, longevity, impact on the sport and crossover appeal. Like I said this is MY list. You can put yours in comment section below.
1) Ric Flair
It's Ric Flair...there's no debate here.
2) Steve Austin
When Austin hit his peak in 97/98, nobody in the business had ever been hotter. No matter what Stone Cold did, it got over with the audience. His rivalry with Bret Hart made him a star. His rivalry with Vince McMahon made him a legend.
3) Shawn Michaels
Other than Ric Flair, there is no better in ring performer than Shawn Michaels. Michaels may have been a locker room cancer, but in front of a crowd, there was no one better than HBK. He had legendary matches and created one of the greatest factions of all time.
4) The Rock
When it comes to entertainment and crossover appeal it doesn't get any bigger or better than Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. The Rock went from being one of the biggest and highest paid stars in pro wrestling to being one of the biggest and highest paid stars in Hollywood.
5) Hulk Hogan
In recent years, the Hulksters best known for controversy, nudity, lawsuits and getting booted out of the WWE history books. But, before all that, Hulk Hogan was the blue print for what every wrestling promoter wanted. The guy had huge crossover appeal, could get an audience behind him no matter where he was and had the ability to draw HUGE amounts of money.
6) John Cena
I know, I know. It's cool to hate John Cena. But, as much as people love to hate on Super Cena, dude truly is amazing. He's worked on top for a long time, moved tons of tickets and merch, has a big time crossover appeal and is great with the fans. What more could you possibly ask for?
7) The Undertaker
When you think of wrestling, its hard not to mention the Undertaker. Nobody worked on top longer than Taker. When WWE/F had rough patches, he was the guy to put the company on his back to make sure he succeeded. He's had some of the best matches in pro wrestling history. While Undertaker the character outshadows Undertaker the wrestler, if you really go back and look at Taker's run, it is HARD not to include him on a list of all time greats.
8) Sting
Speaking of guys who carried an entire company on their back, you have to put Sting on the list. What Sting lacked in technical ability, he more than made up in character and charisma. As great as Ric Flair is and the NWO was, neither would have worked with a strong baby face like Sting fighting against them. Sting, as beloved as he was, a lot of times gets over looked. Without him, WCW would have closed its doors long before it actually did.
9) Andre the Giant
When it comes to 80s wrestling, the two things that immediately come to mind are Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. Hogan v Andre made the WWE what it is today. It made wrestling what it is today. For a long time Andre was quite literally the biggest attraction in pro wrestling. Not to mention Andre drinking stories are hilariously awesome. He also gets bonus points for the Princess Bride.
10) Macho Man Randy Savage
From pro wrestling to Slim Jim commercials to late night talk show appearances, the Macho Man was one of the most recognizable stars in the world. Even if you weren't a wrestling fan, you knew who the Macho Man was. If Randy would have worked in any other era besides the Hogan era of wrestling, he would have been the biggest star in the sport.