El Paso Hacks To Get Around Texas’ Pornhub BanEl Paso Hacks To Get Around Texas’ Pornhub BanPornhub users in Texas are out of luck as they are now blocked from the website. El Paso isn't missing a beat. (No pun intended.)Dubba GDubba G
Louisiana to Ban Porn from Some Government ComputersLouisiana to Ban Porn from Some Government ComputersSome folks think the law would be too restrictive and would like to make a few exceptions. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Woman Awarded $6.45 Million in Revenge Porn CaseWoman Awarded $6.45 Million in Revenge Porn CaseShe had to copyright her breasts to get justice.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Does Watching Pornography Cause Blindness in Women?Does Watching Pornography Cause Blindness in Women?According to the old wives’ tale, masturbation leads to blindness. Of course that is ridiculous, because if it did you wouldn’t be reading these very words.Jeremy TaylorJeremy Taylor