Warning! Busy Shreveport I-220 Exit Ramp Closed TomorrowWarning! Busy Shreveport I-220 Exit Ramp Closed TomorrowI220 westbound ramp to I49 northbound in Shreveport to close for preventative snow and ice operations.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Lane Closure on I-220 Cross Lake Bridge Will Be Traffic ChallengeLane Closure on I-220 Cross Lake Bridge Will Be Traffic ChallengeAttention Shreveport and Bossier drivers! Prepare for road closures on Airline Drive and I-220 bridge. Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Traffic Could Make You Scream With I-220 Lane ClosuresTraffic Could Make You Scream With I-220 Lane ClosuresExpect traffic delays several days week after next as roadwork has been announced for I-220 in Shreveport and BossierGary McCoyGary McCoy
Bossier Traffic To Slow Even More With Work On I-220 NowBossier Traffic To Slow Even More With Work On I-220 NowToday, I-220 east and westbound traffic will likely slow even more as the DOTD will conduct work on the median from I-20 all the way to the Red RiverGary McCoyGary McCoy
Traffic In Bossier Could Get Really Crazy This SundayTraffic In Bossier Could Get Really Crazy This SundaySince the I-20 reconstruction project began months ago, driving through Bossier City has become quite an obstacle.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
One Of Bossier’s Busiest I-20 On Ramps Is Open AgainOne Of Bossier’s Busiest I-20 On Ramps Is Open AgainLate yesterday morning, it was if the Gates of Heaven had re-opened and the angels began to sing!Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Traffic Nightmare! I-20 To I-220 Ramp Soon Closed For MonthsTraffic Nightmare! I-20 To I-220 Ramp Soon Closed For MonthsThings are about to get real for residents of East Bossier and the Haughton area.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
18 Wheeler Accident Causes Big Delays on I-220 W in Shreveport18 Wheeler Accident Causes Big Delays on I-220 W in ShreveportExpect delays on I-220 westbound in Shreveport near Jefferson Paige Road through the exit to I-20 for several hours this morning. BristolBristol
Benton Road at I-220 Could Make For Traffic Headache This WeekendBenton Road at I-220 Could Make For Traffic Headache This WeekendIt's looking like it's not the weekend to be in a hurry traveling through Bossier City. There's another construction project scheduled to take place.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Expect Delays on I-220 This WeekExpect Delays on I-220 This WeekDOTD will be working on the interstate all week. Matt ParkerMatt Parker
I-220 at I-49 Exchange to See Traffic Slow Down For Next Several MonthsI-220 at I-49 Exchange to See Traffic Slow Down For Next Several MonthsLooks like the traffic could slow to a snail's pace during the night hours several times over the next few months.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
I-220 to Close this WeekendHeads up if you travel I-220 regularly, because it will be closed in Caddo Parish this weekend. BristolBristol