If salty foods are your weakness, blame your childhood. Research has found that babies given such foods can develop a preference for them that carries over into adulthood.
Getting your blood pressure taken isn’t the most fun activity in the world, but now it looks like we have a better reason to get it measured than simply “because we have to.”
Sorry to freak you out, but scientists discovered blood pressure fluctuations in middle age may be a precursor to both heart attacks and strokes.
In recent years, health advocacy groups have recommended walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day to stay fit.
And although all that pavement-pounding does help keep your weight down, researchers have found it doesn’t make people stronger or improve their balance and agility.
If you’ve decided to greet the New Year with a resolution to quit smoking, you may be dreading the stress and jitters often associated with nicotine withdrawal. But take heart! A new study says you’ll be healthier and happier.
Is obesity contagious? A study back in 2007 seemed to indicate that, saying we get it from our friends. To back that up, researchers highlighted data showing members of social groups were likely to have similar rates of obesity. New research, however, seems to be changing all this by finding that social interactions may have little impact on body weight.
As you start to think about your New Year’s diet (really, don’t we all have one planned?), a small Norwegian study has found a little eating between meals won’t necessarily torpedo your weight-loss goals.
This year saw a rash of bedbug infestations worldwide, but scientists are now saying there might be a way of defending against the vermin. While no one seems immune, the more body hair you have, the less attractive you may be to the bloodsucking little critters. Looks like all the men out waxing their chests may have acted a little too hastily.
A 100th birthday is so rare these days that it’s cause for serious celebration. But scientists say that someday in the very near future, people could live well beyond that.
Are mammograms actually effective? Several conflicting studies have come out in the past few years, leading some to pose this question. Don’t fear though ladies. An even newer study from Dutch researchers indicates that they do work, but older women might be getting more out of them.
Smokers have a gum that helps them quit smoking, so it’s only fair that overeaters have a gum to help them quit eating. Thankfully, scientists are getting close to making a safe appetite suppressant gum a reality.
Veteran dieters know one way to eat less is to use smaller plates to fool the eye into thinking we have more food in front of us. But new research revealed the color of our plates and tables matter just as much.