Deer Attempts To Make A Deposit At A Texas BankDeer Attempts To Make A Deposit At A Texas BankWe Take You To Central Texas Where Even Wildlife Have To Do Some "Banking", the problem is they don't acknowledge doorsMelz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Louisiana 'Zombie Deer' Count Now Up To 19Louisiana 'Zombie Deer' Count Now Up To 19In 2018 the CDC issued a warning to Louisiana hunters about "Zombie Deer". Now, the Louisiana’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is reporting a total of 19 deer afflicted with chronic wasting disease.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Lethal Disease Continues To Kill More Deer In LouisianaLethal Disease Continues To Kill More Deer In LouisianaCWD. It's an acronym that most of us in Louisiana were essentially unfamiliar with until the past decade.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
This Deadly Disease Threatens Deer In Texas, And It's SpreadingThis Deadly Disease Threatens Deer In Texas, And It's SpreadingThis deadly disease could have a devasting impact on deer in Texas.Chad HastyChad Hasty
Texas Hunters’ Insane Deer Capture! Helicopter Pilot’s Mind-Blowing SkillsTexas Hunters’ Insane Deer Capture! Helicopter Pilot’s Mind-Blowing SkillsSky-High Antlers: Texas Hunters' Heart-Stopping Deer Capture Leaves Everyone Breathless!Eric RyanEric Ryan
Know What To Do Legally If You Hit A Deer With Your Car In TexasKnow What To Do Legally If You Hit A Deer With Your Car In TexasCan you keep a dead deer that's been hit by a car? Can you cut off its antlers?Rudy FernandezRudy Fernandez
Texas Teenage Girl Kills Massive Record Breaking ‘Thirty Point Buck’Texas Teenage Girl Kills Massive Record Breaking ‘Thirty Point Buck’Reili Brewer of Avery, Texas is only 14-years-old and she has already accomplished something most deer hunters will only dream about.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Texas, Deer Hunting Season Looks Promising For 2023-2024Texas, Deer Hunting Season Looks Promising For 2023-2024For those who enjoy hunting in the Lone Star State, it looks like deer hunting season is trending towards promising.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Hysterical Story Of Guy Trying To Rope Deer Is Guaranteed LaughHysterical Story Of Guy Trying To Rope Deer Is Guaranteed LaughYou might as well get used to the sight of camouflage, as that's the color of Fall in Louisiana.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
What Should You Do When You Hit a Deer in Louisiana?What Should You Do When You Hit a Deer in Louisiana?In some states, it may be just fine to leave the scene after hitting a deer, and in other states, it actually may be considered a crime.Jude WalkerJude Walker
Can You Keep The Antlers Of A Deer You Hit In Louisiana?Can You Keep The Antlers Of A Deer You Hit In Louisiana?As I drove east on I-20 last week, I was somewhat amazed at the sheer number of whitetail deer I saw lying dead on the side of the interstate.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Central Texas Reports Rare Devastating Chronic Wasting DiseaseCentral Texas Reports Rare Devastating Chronic Wasting DiseaseChronic Wasting Disease is a serious matter in Texas' deer population. Hunters beware, if you're hunting in a CWD hot zone, get it checked out ASAP.Rudy FernandezRudy Fernandez