Louisiana residents who have ordered delivery meals from the popular Chinese fast food chain Panda Express you may have money coming back or at least some free food heading in your direction. Panda Express recently announced a settlement in a $1.4 million dollar class action lawsuit levied against the company. In that settlement the restaurant chain denied any wrongdoing but here's what was alleged to have happened.

JOLLY via YouTube
JOLLY via YouTube

The complaint against Panda Express was filed in July of 2021. That complaint alleged that the eatery was using deceptive practices in promoting its "low price" delivery fee. That fee is typically $2.95. But the suit alleges the company charged customers an additional 10% "service fee" on deliveries. So, customers were paying $2.95 upfront and then getting tagged with an additional 10% fee that was "not as obvious".

The details of the settlement are expected to be finalized at a hearing scheduled for November 8, 2023. Now, if you're wondering if you qualify for either cash back or free food. Here is what we know about filing a claim.

JOLLY via YouTube
JOLLY via YouTube

Who is eligible for Money Back in the Panda Express Class Action Lawsuit?

If you placed an order on the Panda Express Mobile App or website between July 17 2020 and February 16, 2022, then you are eligible to participate in the class action lawsuit. You will need to go back and look at your order and see if you were charged a service fee for delivery.

How Do I File a Claim in the Panda Express Class Action Lawsuit?

Claims may be filed online. In order to do so you'll need a unique ID Number. That can be obtained by following this link and requesting one. According to the website for the suit, customers may choose to accept a cash payment or meal vouchers as part of their compensation.

Company Man via YouTube
Company Man via YouTube

How Much Should I Expect to Get from the Panda Express Class Action Lawsuit?

If you're looking to get rich, then class action lawsuits are not the way to go. Speculation is that this suit will result in about a $10 payment for those who choose to be compensated in cash. That dollar amount can be higher or lower depending on how many people file a claim against it and choose a cash reimbursement.

You might also choose meal vouchers as part of your class action compensation. The company speculates that most customers will receive vouchers good for at least two medium entrees. There are restrictions, of course. All vouchers will have to be redeemed within one year and voucher use is limited to one per transaction per day.

Company Man via YouTube
Company Man via YouTube

When Should I Expect Compensation from Panda Express Lawsuit?

Unless you are extremely talented at holding your breath, I wouldn't. It's going to be a while. As we mentioned the settlement won't be finalized until early November. Those close to the suit are saying compensation might take up to a year to complete.

Panda Express currently operates 15 different locations across Louisiana including one in Lafayette, two in Baton Rouge, and two in Alexandria.

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