Hog Wild: Texas Man Scares Off Ferocious Boar with BB Gun
A man in Houston flirted with death after barely escaping a forced physical examination from a feral hog. That's right, a wild pig attacked him at his home in what could have resulted in a visit to the hospital... or morgue if not for one saving grace.
Don't Go Bacon My Heart
KHOU tells the story of one Carl White, a longtime Houstonian who is sick and tired of having to worry about wild hogs causing chaos in and around his neighborhood. Between killing pets, confronting people and damaging property, feral hogs have been a source of contention for Houston for a while now.
White got a little too up close and personal with these tusked terrors one night when he was working in his garage. He was minding his own business when his faithful dog, Moose, began barking and alerting White of incoming danger.
Boar vs. BB Gun
Mr. White turned to look before locking eyes with a massive feral hog. Confined to a wheelchair, he had no other option than to grab something with which to defend himself. As luck would have it, an airsoft gun was nearby which White immediately grabbed, aiming at the boar. The LED light on top of the BB gun was enough to startle the pig, causing it to temporarily turn and flee.
The pig turned around one last time to stare down his would-be victim. This is when White fired the airsoft pellets at its thick hide, successfully driving the beast away.
"Don't get in a position where you're confronting or cornering them," White stated after the event occurred. "Let them have an escape if they want to run away."
Feral hogs are an ongoing issue in the Lone Star State. Luckily, White was able to escape unscathed, all thanks to his dog, Moose, who made sure to let him know when danger was approaching.
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Gallery Credit: Charlie Hardin