The holiday season is a time of celebration and family for people across the globe, but in Shreveport this year, Christmas might look a little different. Christmas time causes a lot of financial worry for people, as the holiday season brings gifts, big meals, and, for some, travel. A new study shows that Shreveport might be behind on holiday savings.


  • Holiday spending is expected to reach over $980 billion in 2024
  • WalletHub's new study reveals holiday budgets across 558 U.S. cities


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Shreveport Savings

WalletHub has released a new study, Holiday Budgets by City, which examines data like income, population, age, and other provided financial data to determine the average amount of savings a household is likely to have for the 2024 holiday season.

Shreveport was among the 558 cities in WalletHub's study and was ranked as one of the cities with the least savings for the holidays. The average Shreveport household is expected to have $644 put away for the season, the 14th lowest among the study.

Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images/Canva
Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images/Canva

Holiday Help

The holidays can be stressful for many who worry about financial hardships. WalletHub reached out to financial experts to advise anyone worried about things like overspending for the holidays, enjoying the holidays for cheap, or just cutting back on spending in general.

Professor of Business Admin at the Univeristy of California, Christopher Tang gives 3 tips for avoiding holiday overspending, "Write a list of items you are thinking of. classify them into 3 buckets. (1) You need them; (2) You want them; or (3) You find those items interesting. Stick to this list and focus on items on #1. If you have not exceeded your budget, get a few items on #2."

Dr. John Stanton offers advice on how to enjoy time with others this holiday season without spending money, he says to "Kiss and hug, hold hands, visit them, look into their eyes and tell them you missed them, tell them you think of them every day."

Top Rated Christmas Movies Filmed in Louisiana

These Christmas movies are listed as having a Louisiana filming location on IMDB.

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