In response to a domestic incident, law enforcement officers arrested 31-year-old Miya June on charges including aggravated assault with a firearm, illegal use of a weapon, and two counts of domestic abuse battery with child endangerment. The incident occurred on May 21 at approximately 9 AM, at the 3900 block of Caliburn Drive.

Hemera Technologies, Thinkstock

Upon arrival, officers determined that June had brandished a firearm during a domestic dispute. Fortunately, no serious injuries were reported as a result of the altercation.

Miya June is currently in custody, facing the aforementioned charges.

New Agents Train At US Border Patrol Academy In New Mexico
John Moore/Getty Images

Domestic violence is best understood as a pattern of abusive behaviors–including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks as well as economic coercion–used by one intimate partner against another (adult or adolescent) to gain, maintain, or regain power and control in the relationship. Batterers use of a range of tactics to frighten, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, often injure, and sometimes kill a current or former intimate partner.

Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, is a serious and widespread problem. In the United States, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience contact sexual violence,* physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime and report negative impacts such as injury, fear, concern for safety, and needing services (CDC, 2017).

Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of employment or educational level, race or ethnicity, religion, marital status, physical ability, age, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. However, the burden of domestic violence is not shared equally across all groups, with women and many racial/ethnic and sexual minority groups being disproportionately affected.

* Contact sexual violence includes rape, being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, and/or unwanted sexual contact.

Caddo Parish Violent Offenders May 11th-17th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to the Caddo Correctional Center for crimes of a violent or sexual nature. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

Caddo Parish Violent Offenders May 4th-10th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to the Caddo Correctional Center for crimes of a violent or sexual nature. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

Caddo Parish Violent Offenders April 27th-May 3rd

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center for crimes of a violent sexual nature. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

Caddo Parish Violent Offenders April 13th-19th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center for crimes of a violent or sexual nature. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

Caddo Parish Violent Offenders March 23rd-29th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center for crimes of a violent or sexual nature. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center