Does your dad have the need for speed? Well then you should rent out a NASCAR experience for him.

Father's Day is June 16th (This Sunday)

Just a friendly reminder that Father's day is this weekend and everybody is trying to figure out something cool to do with the big guy. Something you may not know about in Fort Worth is the NASCAR experience at the Texas Motor Speedway. Where you can actually get behind the wheel of an actual race car.

If dad doesn't feel comfortable getting behind the wheel, they also allow passenger rides with a trained driver. If dad does take the wheel, they have different options for how long you can drive. From five minutes, all the way up to 48 minutes of track time.

What's It Like Behind a Race Car?

Who hasn't seen how your personal vehicle can do on an open stretch of road? The max speed of whatever you drive most likely doesn't hit 150 MPH, as you will be able to hit in these things if you take part in the fun. As you can see if you decide to drive the race car, you're by yourself. You will be in full control of this vehicle depending on how much time you buy. According to the NASCAR experience website, the certificate never expires. So if Dad couldn't go this weekend. Don't worry, he can book a time to do it at his convenience.

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So for Father's day you can do the stereotypical thing like a tie or a steak. Instead, you can give him an experience he will never forget.

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Gallery Credit: Stryker

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