Surprise Knife Attack on the Side of Road Kills Louisiana DOTD Worker
I have never made any bones about it. The Louisiana Motorist Assistance Patrol or MAP, could very well be the single greatest operation ever developed by our government.

At absolutely no charge, MAP will provide stranded motorists with the following:
- Provide one gallon of fuel
- Change a flat tire
- Jump start car
- Fill radiator with water
- Provide the use of a cellular phone so you can make a local call for additional assistance if needed
As you probably witnessed many times here in our area on I-20 and I-220, the MAP truck is a welcome sight to many who have found themselves stranded.
The Louisiana DOTD says that the success of the program is due to the MAP operators, who must be qualified first responders, quick thinkers and customer-oriented.
And yesterday, Sunday, November 20, this program and all of Louisiana lost one of these incredible operators due to a senseless killing.
In a story from the Louisiana Radio Network, we learn that 66-year-old Darrell Guillory, a retired Baton Rouge police officer working as a MAP roadside assistance worker, was killed yesterday in a horrific knife attack while he was trying to provide services to a motorist.
The West Baton Rouge Sheriff's Department says that Guillory was attacked on the side of I-10 in Port Allen just before noon yesterday.
Witnesses say that the suspect attacked Guillory with a knife and according to Louisiana State Police Trooper Christian Reed, “Upon arrival, deputies encountered the suspect actively attacking the MAP unit employee. Responding deputies engaged the suspect with gunfire, ultimately stopping the threat,” said Reed
Reed continues, “The MAP unit employee and suspect were both transported to a local hospital, where they were pronounced deceased shortly after their arrival.”
Reed says Louisiana State Police is the lead investigating agency and that “The investigation remains ongoing with further information to be released in coordination with the West Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney’s Office at the appropriate time.”
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