Maura Chwastyk
Top 10 Apps for the 2012 Summer Olympics
The athletes have been training for the last four years. The city has been preparing for the last seven years. And the fans have been booking their tickets for months and months. The 2012 London Summer Olympics are upon us!
Filing Your Taxes at the Last Minute? Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
Remember the kids who always sat in the front of the classroom, the ones who reminded the teacher when she forgot to hand out homework?
Why Do We Even Pay Income Taxes? Here’s Your History Lesson
“Nothing can said to be certain, except death and taxes.” As April 15 approaches, those famous words from Benjamin Franklin resonate stronger and stronger. Yet Franklin spoke them 100 years before the most difficult and vexing tax to most Americans — the income tax — even existed.
So how exactly did the income tax as we know it come to be?
10 Things You Definitely Should Not Do on Your Taxes
So, you think you’re ready to file your taxes, huh? Well, not so fast.