Jeremy Taylor

Man Fakes Death Right Before Proposing to Girlfriend
Before popping the question to his girlfriend, Russian man Alexey Bykov wanted to give her a quick taste of what her life would be like without him. So the 30-year-old businessman hired a stuntman, a make-up artist, actors and even a screenwriter to help him fake his own death.

Woman Arrested For Trying To Throw Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison
It’s September, which means the nation is starting to go football crazy. Ohio woman Janine Fulton recently took football insanity to a new level when she filled a couple official size Wilson balls with pills, marijuana, cigarettes, cell phones, and cell phone chargers and tried to toss them into the Richland Correctional Institution in Mansfield, OH.

Watch an Amazing Footless Boy Play Soccer
There is a reason soccer is called football around the world. Yet 11-year-old Gabriel Muniz has been able to excel at the sport despite being born without feet.

Umpire Jim Joyce Saves Woman’s Life Before Hitting the Mound… No Big Deal
This isn’t the first time baseball umpire Jim Joyce has been in the news. Two years ago, a famously blown call that cost Detroit’s Armando Galarraga a perfect game put him in the headlines. This week, however, he’s better known as the hero who saved the life of a woman with a heart problem.

Woman Gets Sexually Aroused By Popping Balloons
Last month we introduced you to Dave, a 27-year-old who loves balloons so deeply that he cuddles with them while sleeping. Dave insists that he never takes things to the sexual level with his rubber friends, though. Because that would be weird

Do You Hunt or Fish? — Survey of the Day
Thanks to the frontier spirit that helped found this nation, hunting and fishing are pretty ingrained into the American psyche.
But how many folks in the United States still participate in these outdoor activities?

Man Arrested For DUI — On a Bulldozer
When you see a man driving around on a bulldozer at 2 AM, chances are he’s up to no good.

Hilarious Five Guys Burger Review Gets the Autotune Treatment
Recently a video review that YouTube personality Daym Drops did of Five Guys Burgers and Fries went viral, thanks to Drops’ enthusiastic embrace of the restaurant chain’s greasy fare.
While the video is quite entertaining, it’s six minutes long, a tough sell in today’s climate of instant gratification. But never fear – The Gregory Brothers have remixed the review into a more manageable two minute

Polish Olympian to Sell Bronze Medal to Help Sick Five-Year-Old
The 2012 Summer Games are over. But the Olympic spirit lives on thanks to Polish windsurfer Zofia Noceti-Klepacka, who will fulfill the promise she made to the family of a five-year-old who suffers from cystic fibrosis by selling her bronze medal.

Olivia Munn Lends Her Breasts To Fake Movie Trailer
What if all the breasts you held dear suddenly disappeared? That’s the premise of this horrifying fake trailer, starring geeky provocateur Olivia Munn.

Naked Man Covered In Crisco Just Wanted To ‘Party’
Chad William Forber is clearly a party animal. But his preferred way of getting down isn’t for everybody. The 41-year-old was arrested by police after they got a call that a naked man was wandering around the downtown area of Rock Island, Illinois early Monday morning. When the cops found Forber, he was covered in Crisco.

Coach Kicks Hot Coeds Out Of Stadium During Football Practice
There is little more brutal in a free society than football practice in August. The Tigers of the University of Missouri were going through that horror show when, on the horizon, appeared two coeds, tan and lithe.
The shapely ladies were running the steps of Faurot Field. Or were they just visions? Pleasant thoughts that dance about the brain right before it shuts down with heat stroke?