New Years

Naked Man Engages Police in New Year’s Samurai Standoff
Naked Man Engages Police in New Year’s Samurai Standoff
Naked Man Engages Police in New Year’s Samurai Standoff
They call New Year's Eve amateur night because it's a night where nearly everyone parties hard, not just those who have regular experience with intoxicants. This means that it's a pretty safe bet that some idiotic stuff is going to go down, sometimes even before the ball drops.
10 Other Objects We Drop on New Year’s
10 Other Objects We Drop on New Year’s
10 Other Objects We Drop on New Year’s
Everyone knows about the ball that drops in New York City's Times Square to mark the start of a new calendar year. What you may not realize, though, is that other cities around the nation have similar traditions that entertain and enthrall their local communities. Here's a look at some of the odder traditions that will be taking place in America tonight: