‘Understanding 9/11′ Features Complete, Archived News Broadcasts From Around the World
‘Understanding 9/11′ Features Complete, Archived News Broadcasts From Around the World
‘Understanding 9/11′ Features Complete, Archived News Broadcasts From Around the World
By: Shauna Wright Many television networks will no longer air the most devastating moments of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, lest it upset the families of the thousands of people who lost their lives that day. But Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive feels that that footage is essential as a “resource for scholars, journalists, and the public,” and has archived
National 9/11 Flag Touring the United States
National 9/11 Flag Touring the United States
National 9/11 Flag Touring the United States
After the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, one of the largest American flags damaged during the attacks continued to fly above the resulting wreckage during the clean-up efforts. Seven years later, that flag, dubbed the National 9/11 Flag, was sewn back together by tornado survivors in Greensburg, Kansas, and has also been stitched by World War II veterans, survivors of the Ft
What Do You Think About Sacrificing Rights to Fight Terrorism
What Do You Think About Sacrificing Rights to Fight Terrorism
What Do You Think About Sacrificing Rights to Fight Terrorism
The terror attacks on America in 2001 on Sept. 11th left a mark on Americans. As the very first responders climbed through the rubble in New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania, the country embarked on a “War on Terror.” With that war has come many years of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, indefinite detention of terror suspects without charges or trial, enhanced interrogation techniques, extra